In progress (October 2020 - ...)
Genre : Roguelike-style Shoot'em Up
Two games developers and a sound designer
Accompagnied by an other game developer and a sound designer, SpaceWanderer is the biggest project that I'm working on since October 2020.
This video game is a RogueLike-style Shoot’em up in which the player takes on the role of a demon slayer in a post-apocalyptic world. The gameplay, very dynamic, pushes the player to move forward in order to be perpetually at the center of the action. This game uses the traditional codes of the Roguelike characterized by its permanent death and the procedural generation of the dungeon. Levels are composed of classic rooms, special events whose objectives are to set the pace and challenge the player, and a final boss.
The game's inspirations are Doom for its design and its universe, ScourgeBringer for its dynamism, Nuclear Throne for its feelings and Hades for its combat oriented design.
What does SpaceWanderer allow me to do ?
This game was the best way to educate myself about creating videogames. By practicing, I learned so many and various things as :
- C# programmation and Unity Engine
- Fundamental elements of Game and Level Design : here is the "One Page" documentation
- UI and UX design principles
- Git and its clients GitDesktop/GitKraken
- The importance of iteration
- How to manage a project with agile mode
- Marketing and commercializing strategies for independant videogames
How do we manage the project ?
We operate in agile mode (Scrum) by using Jira software. Jira allow us to plan, monitor and manage the progress of the project.
Each week, we organize a meeting in which we test the latest propotype of the game and propose the mains areas of improvement. By doing this, the game progresses by iteration.
The different features are listed in the backlog in order of priority and are divided into "Epic". As the sprints progress, depending on the feedback provided or if new needs emerge, the backlog is completed with new features.
Finally, we have a TODO-list for the current sprint in which each member ranks his tickets according to their progress.
Picture 1 : Sprint TODO-list
Picture 2 : Backlog
In this project, everyone's opinion and ideas are taken into account: all members have their importance and their share of contribution. The proper functioning of the project is made possible by the serious participation of each. Accordingly, we are careful that everyone can express themselves during the meeting. To get an overview of the evolution, we use a weekly updated "Gantt" chart. This project then This project strengthens my teamwork abilities, communication and managerial/management skills.Picture 3 : Gantt chart
What's the status of the game ?
Currently, the game is in pre-production stage. Most of the core features have been implemented but the game suffers from a lack of artist. Therefore, we are looking for an artist to complete the team in order to release a game of quality and up to our expectations. There is still no playable demo, but you can see a first preview of the game on our recruitment video.
Recruitment video :