Web Application

Graduate internship (Febuary - July 2021)

Company : STMicroelectronics, Rousset

During my graduate internship at STMicroelectronics, I created a Web application for operators on the main production line.
This experience allowed me to acquire front and back office development skills, but also project management concepts essentiel to its proper functioning.

From a technical point of view, I used for this project Angular and Symfony frameworks. So, I had to learn the programming languages that work with these frameworks including HTML/CSS, TypeScript/JavaScript and PHP. The application that I made is actually a refactoring of an existing app coding in Java JEE. As a result, to understand its functioning, I had to learn this langage too.
To test my API, I used API-Plateform and Postman. Finally, I also learned how to create and use an SQL database.

Finally, this internship was a first great professional experience. I was able to increase my knowledge in computer science and programming by discovering new languages and respecting the constraints imposed by the company regarding the architecture of scripts to ensure the robustness of the codes.